Sunday, January 20, 2008

1st NRIC Presentation Ceremony 2008

The 1st NRIC Presentation Ceremony for 2008 was held on 18 January. The response from the NRIC recipients was over-whelming. They came early, put on their best and participated enthusiastically during the ceremony. The ceremony was started by Mrs Lisa Kwok who gave a brief but very meaningful presentation on the significance of being a Singaporean. The UG cadets from NCC, NPCC, Girl Guides and Red Cros were smart in their respective uniform. They were ably-led by Staff Sergeant Amirul Hafidz (NCC) of 4E5. He will be going to New Zealand to particate in the Thunder Warrior exercise there. The school band played excellently. The pioneer ONE Advocates did exceedingly well to get the registration system going very smoothly. As a result, the school responded positively by singing the National Anthem with gusto and reciting the pledge with pride. Kudos to all. The next ceremony will be held on 15 February 2008.

Here are some of the photos...

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