Monday, May 12, 2008

Reflection on CampTeen

Hello, has been a long time since I've updated on anything.

Last year, I went for CampTeen in Pulua Ubin. It was a four day three night camp. On the first day, went to Braddell at during the early morning. There were several other students, all from different schools. The facilitators started us off with some ice-breakers before going on to some presentations on racial harmony. The first day was focused on the theme of Racial Harmony, so after the presentations, we went to Chinatown for the afternoon. We visited several religious places around the area, and had lunch in a mosque. It was quite a new experience, and it was something that is not very familiar for me. I've learned a lot from the first day, as it tells us the importance of maintaining fairness between the different races in Singapore. It also tells us of the threats to racial harmony, such as terrorism, and one notable speech made by the one in charge of the mosque: it is that we should never assume that although somebody from a certain religion commits a sin, we should assume that all of them are bad people. This is entirely a WRONG concept.

During the evening, we finally sailed to Pulua Ubin and stayed out Outbound Singapore. The day ended with reflections and some discussion on what we can do to prevent discrimination of others. For the next three days, we started working on our projects concerning the promotion of the Youth Olympic Games. There were four groups: Culture, Sports, Sports OA (My Group), Arts. Well, what does OA stand for? It actually means Other Abled. This is a much more better term to used for those who are handicapped, compared to disabled. We had to come up with games in which we can have people understand what the other abled are going through, as well as seeing how capable the other abled are. From this project, I learned a lot about not looking down on those who are handicapped, as they might actually be more talented than most people. So, on the 30th December last year, we held the carnival at Youth Park. It was quite a fun day with all the activities going around and people visiting our stall. Well, this is what happened for the camp I went to last year, and I hope that you may get a chance of going this year.

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