Thursday, May 21, 2009

More Photos of our NE Activities

International Friendship Day

Students engrossed in earning points for their respective houses.

Teamwork is essential for success as well. ;/

Getting the teachers INVOLVED.

Its nice to see all the students working hard. =D

The students were asked to do quizzes to help respective houses to earn points.

You may do more than once , and the more correct answers , the more points you will help your houses to get.

It also acts as a platform for them to get points into the score system. Besides the usual track and field events.

During our school's Sports Day , boards and banners were put up and students have to search the answers themselves.

Successful ones were submitted , of course

The response was good for just our first time executing it.

We have students streaming in doing the quizzes
In the end , It was a job well done indeed.

The Quote of the Week Presentations
Quote of the week presentation done during the Lower Sec assembly. Upper Secondary assembly =D
"The Quote of the week presentation" were conducted once every week by one or two students during morning assembly. They represented their class to give a presentation on the quotes they were tasked to work on. Each quote every week is different , students will get to learn about various topics involved.
A Play By Class 2e3 "Quote of the Week Presentation" During Combined Assembly. A student giving a speech at the speaker's corner.
Our own Hua Yi's Band.

Total Defence Day Official Ceremony Meaningful skit done by the Uniformed Groups
namely ( NCC , NPCC , Red Cross and Girls Guides)
The purpose of the skit is to get the five aspects of Total Defence: Military, Civil, Economic, Social and Psychological Defence across to the student's population and remind all Singaporeans to doing what they can in Total Defence to ensure peace and security for the future.

Heritage Programme - Caring of Bonsai Workshop at Yuhua Community Club

The Presenter of the day. People present were taught everything about the bonsai.

Cleaning up xD
Trimming and cutting of bonsai plants by our own hua yian hairdressers =DWatering of all the bonsai plants.
Basically , we were taught everything needed to grow a healthy bonsai plant.
It was a typical friday afternoon , 17 One Advocate and Heritagers from the lower secondary were selected to attend a workshop at Yuhua Community Center.
It is a once a year event.
We kicked off with a 1 hour presentation of the bonsai.
Followed by the grooming and fertilising of the bonsai plant
Did a clean-up of the area.
In the end , all of our "babies" are placed outside the CC.
At the garden to be grown and we were allowed to visit the plants anytime during the CC office hours.


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