Tuesday, December 6, 2011

By : Evangeline Tan (Hua Yi's Alumni)

"Be part of Hua Yi Secondary School's family!" This short but powerful phrase caught my eye when I first laid my hands on the 2011's Open House flyer given to me by one of the school councillors.

Indeed, Hua Yi had been a family rather than a school to me. As I walked through the school compound, which I admittedly dragged my feet through over the four years studying in the school, I felt a sense of pride and was glad to be back. It was about 11 am then. It was heartwarming to see the students and teachers make a special trip back to give support to the performances and displays on a Saturday morning.

Some things have not changed. The support, love and care not just expressed by words but also action by the various teachers have made learning in Hua Yi vibrant and fun. I saw in the different classes, teachers and students sharing snapshots of learning experiences in Hua Yi.

I met Mr Ariffin, a class of 2007 graduate in the school canteen. He said, "Although it had been years since I graduated from Hua Yi, whenever I step into the classroom, it brings a warm feeling and I am glad that the school had groomed and developed me into the person I am today, an SAF officer maximising my full potential." Indeed, Mr Ariffin has done very well - owning a car and earning an above average income.

If you have selected Hua Yi but unsure if you have actually made the right decision, as an ex-Hua Yian, I would say, YES! You have actually made the right choice. Welcome to the Hua Yi Family!

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